My photography practice concentrates on the study of the human form and movement. I have worked with leading performers and athletes, from multi-award winning dancers to British champion gymnasts, building a rich experience in my chosen specialism.


My photographs of world-class dancers in legendary companies such as The Bolshoi and Royal Ballet have been bought by the national and international press like the Guardian and Financial Times. I have been commissioned by both traditional, large companies (e.g. Birmingham Royal Ballet) and younger, highly innovative ones (e.g. New Movement Collective).


In 2019 I presented a long-term personal project studying human movement across a variety of athletic and performance disciplines. Titled 'Movement Studies i-iv', this was exhibited as a solo show at The Old Truman Brewery in London supported by the Royal Academy of Dance.


More recently, since the pandemic, I have broadened my practice to look at wilds, studying movement in nature. I have also created a magazine style, interactive, features website titled 'Movements in Life,' which celebrates and studies natural movement universally, including the human experience.



If you would like to discuss commissioning me, hosting an exhibition, or just to chat through your ideas, please get in touch:


Contact Simon